What we do
Project BG05 / 1751 Introducing a lesson on democracy in Bulgarian schools Contract № 415 / 30.06.15, funded under the NGO Support Program in Bulgaria
Project: "Prevention of Illicit Trafficking in Human Beings from, to and Through Bulgaria and Macedonia", PHARE CBC Program, Neighborhood 2005 Republic of Bulgaria - Republic of Macedonia
Project: "Consultative Center for Rehabilitation of Women and Children Violent Survivors", Funded by the Mama Cash Foundation
Project "Bulgarian and Macedonian Victims of Communism - Today Victims of Oblivion and Ignorance", Grant 2012 - 3596/001 - 001, Funded by the European Union
Project: "With new knowledge again at work" under Project "Social Investment and Employment Promotion" / SINZ / under World Bank loan №: 4681- BUL
Project: "Encouraging the free flow of information through the implementation of the Access to Information Act with the help of a media partner"
PROJECT: "Advocacy campaign for public auctions with open bidding in Blagoevgrad Municipality" GRANT 214 Funded by Balkan Trust for Democracy
Project: Equal Chance, funded by the Bulgarian Women's Fund, 2007 Program - European Year of Equal Opportunities for Women and Men!
Project: "The Bulgarian citizens of" TI "with Europe", financed by the Ministry of Education and Science